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Serves : 4 / Preparation Time : 30 to 45 Minutes / Cooking Time : 15 minutes
La Cornue® equipment used
Château :
- Gas or electric oven
Cornufé :
- Electric oven
Soft butter
200 g
Arctic char steaks
Breton Gomasio
1 jar
Neutral oil (grapeseed or rapeseed)
15 cl
Clove of garlic
White wine (dry)
10 cl
Thyme sprig
Rosemary sprig
Salt and pepper
To taste
  1. Breton gomasio butter
    Melt 150g of butter and let it turn brown until it stops sizzling. Strain and season with 3 tablespoons of gomasio, then keep at room temperature to infuse gently.

  2.  Braised leeks
    Cut the leeks into large chunks, keeping the green part and the filaments aside, and rinse them in cold water. Heat a drizzle of neutral oil in a frying pan. When the oil is hot, add the leek chunks. Once they have browned, add 50g of butter, the garlic clove, thyme and rosemary. Once the butter has completely melted, add the white wine and bring to the boil. Cover the pan and cook for 10-15 minutes until the liquid has completely evaporated. Once cooked, sprinkle the leeks with gomasio to season.

  3. Leek green oil
    Coarsely chop the rinsed and dried leek greens and blend as finely as possible with the neutral oil in a blender. If the texture is too thick, blend and filter several times. Add a pinch of salt at the end to season the oil.

  4. Filaments grillés
    Rinse the leeks and dry them as much as possible. Heat the oil in a frying pan and, once the oil is hot, place the leek filaments on top, add a little Breton gomasio butter and leave to colour. Once nicely grilled, pat the leeks dry on a cloth or paper towel. Season to taste.

  5. Arctic char confit
    Place the Arctic char steaks in a dish covered with coarse sea salt to firm the flesh, leave for 10 minutes then rinse thoroughly in cold water before drying in a cloth. Once the steaks are completely dry, heat the butter to between 60 and 65°C and cook the steaks in it for 15 minutes for a light cooking, or longer for a more cooked confit. Pat the char dry before serving.

Once all the ingredients are ready, arrange the plates, starting with a piece
of braised leek, followed by a piece of Arctic char. Add the grilled
filaments and a dash of leek green oil.

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